Staying safe

Some people face extra challenges when they are caring for children. Problems may be caused by others, or by personal negative habits. There are local and national services that can help you keep your child and yourself safe.


Safeguarding is about protecting children and adults at risk of harm. If you’re worried about anyone’s safety, whether it’s your own child, someone else’s child or a vulnerable adult, please say something.

Reducing parental conflict

Not all fights are bad, but how you handle arguments is important for the whole family. If it’s too intense or too often, it can be bad for everyone, especially children. Find out how to keep peace in the family. 

Domestic Abuse

Domestic abuse can happen to anyone – men as well as women. It can happen in any relationship, with family, with ex-partners. Anyone can be an abuser.

Family mediation

Family mediation helps parents work together when families change. A mediator guides you to find solutions about children, money and homes. You make the choices, not a judge, and it’s faster than court. 

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