0-2 years

The journey from your child’s birth to their second birthday is full of twists and turns. You need a good map to help you find the way. As your child grows and develops, you’re likely to have thousands of questions, like “when will my baby start walking?” or “when can my baby eat solid foods?” You’ll find many of those answers here.

Developmental milestones

Babies’ brains grow a lot in their first 1,000 days. That’s why the first two years are called the ‘golden window’ for brain development. Find out more about their journey.

Post-natal health care

Post-natal care is the health support mothers and babies get in the months after birth.The hospital where you had your baby, or who supported the birth, offers lots of services. There are also some digital tools to help you.

Feeding babies and toddlers

Whether you’re breastfeeding, bottle feeding, or doing both, you may have questions.

Home learning for toddlers

Helping your child learn to talk and count are just two of the things you can do that will help them learn faster and do better at school, as they grow older.

Finding childcare

There are different types of childcares you might want to use – childminders and nurseries, children’s centres and crèches. Find out what they are and where they are here. There’s also information about help with paying for childcare.


Help for dads

Fathers play an equally important role in bringing up their children and having needs of their own. Children don’t come with instructions and a parent’s role can be very demanding for both mums and dads.


Register a birth

Follow this step by step guide on how to register a birth with Barking and Dagenham Council.

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